


 We believe that Our lives should reflect all that we are teaching and leading through worship.

Lead Team

Joy Towell

Joy Towell

Worship Pastor

Ben Vela

Ben Vela

Music Coordinator

Jonathon Carter

Jonathon Carter

Audio Engineer

Our goal as worship leaders is to first give God our hearts, to serve Him ONLY and glorify Him ONLY.
We then point people to Jesus by the word of the Bible and our own personal testimony of Christ Jesus in our lives.

Elements of Worship

    1. Scripture – all music selections will be tested with scripture to be certain they are theologically sound in relaying the message of Jesus Christ.
    2. Adoration – God is Holy.
    3. Confession – I am NOT.
    4. Assurance – Jesus died so I don’t HAVE to be Holy or perfect or completely worthy.
    5. Thanksgiving – We give thanks to God who CHOSE to bring us into his family, glory, and eternity with Him.
    6. Declaration – Because of this knowledge of the love of God, it is our job and privilege to share the truth and love of Christ with others.

If your heart seeks to partner with the worship team, there are many opportunities available. From media support, sound team and stage set-up, to singing and/or playing an instrument – there is a place for you to serve! If you are interested, please reach out to our worship pastor, Joy, to get involved!

And Jesus answered him, “It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and only Him shall you serve.”


Luke 4:8

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