Special Needs
There's a place for you here!The heart of the Special Needs Ministry at MYCBCB is based on Jesus’ love for His children. All are welcome in our ministry. We offer a safe and fun place designed for all levels of needs. This allows the child’s parents/family time to worship while they spend their own special time with God. If needed, each attendee can be assigned his/her own buddy for the day. Our prayer is that each child will leave knowing Christ’s love while each family leaves knowing that there is a church home that will support and nurture each individual. We pray for spiritual growth for everyone. This includes allowing the parents of the special needs child to grow in Christ through worship and the hearing of the word of God with the knowledge that their child is being take care of in a safe and fun environment.
First time visitors
First time visitors should contact our Children’s Pastor, Andrea Eddy using the link, or call 309-397-7328 to let us prepare in advance for additional staffing or your family’s specific needs. Upon arrival to the church, please check in at the Connection Center. A ministry volunteer will meet you and take the child into the clubhouse or approved KidsMin class for the remainder of the service.