THIS SATURDAY (April 25th), if you’re looking for something to do to get out of the house, but still maintain social distancing…..why not meet us at St. Jude’s Bulverde campus at 11:00am for a “Blue Saturday Drive-through Parade”.  This is the last weekend in April which is Child Abuse Awareness Month.  This parade will be to honor all of our teens at St. Jude’s and their amazing staff.  We will meet outside the front gate (1400 Ridge Creek Lane, Bulverde).  Lee Towell will have signs for you to hold out your windows (or you can make your own) and as a convoy, we will drive through slowly, honk our horns and holler out the windows.  Please let Lee know if you would like to join her for this event (CLICK HERE!)
Let’s share some love with these children and their care-givers!


There’s still lots going on each week, so be sure you STAY CONNECTED through Social Media and our website –


  • Join me for Online prayer each Thursday at 11:00am on Facebook live. If you have needs you’d like us to pray together for, just let me know by responding to this email or on social media with #MYCBCBprayer or send us a message.


  • Hey PARENTS!! Don’t forget the “MYCBCB Kids” Facebook Page? It’s a TREMENDOUS source of information for you and it’s a GREAT way to stay connected to the KidsMin Team! Each week Miss Andrea and the KidsMin Team are posting new activities and providing you with extra resources to help you during this time. You’ll find lessons, crafts, science experiments, prayers, funnies, songs and messages from the entire KidsMin Team. Be sure to check it out!


  • #createadate –  During this interesting time, don’t neglect your relationship with your spouse… A fun way to keep it fresh is to participate in Jen and Mike’s weekly” Create-A-Date Challenge” on Facebook/Instagram. This week’s challenge is to slow dance with your partner, (if you want to complete the entire challenge & participate to win – share their video post, tag 3 people and then comment with the song you slow danced to). THEN, BE SURE TO TUNE IN THIS FRIDAY and watch Jen & Mike’s video on Facebook/Instagram to find out what the next challenge will be! Let’s come out of this crazy time with stronger relationships than we went into it with!


  • Keep up with our new MYCBCB Women’s Ministry – If you want to be a part of a virtual Bible study, email Kristin and Rebecca with your name and email address. That are about to begin readying “What Happens When Women Walk in Faith.” Keep watching for their videos on Facebook.
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