This past Sunday, I spoke about some resources that might help you figure out context when reading the Bible.  Check out these links:


Way to go CBCB’ers….you took all of the 100 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes last week!  If you wanted to participate but missed the opportunity, you can still participate if you have your own shoebox to fill.  Just stop by the table in the lobby Sunday to pick up the paperwork for the shoebox.  For those of you who took the shoeboxes, the deadline to return your filled shoebox to the CONNECTION CENTER is on or before Nov. 22nd.


CALLING ALL WOMEN!!!!!  Join MYCBCB WOMEN for their first official event!  A night of worship!  Join them in worshipping and finding the LIGHT in a dark world, Friday night, November 13th from 7:00pm-9:00pm.  ALSO, at this event, they will be hosting a DIAPER DRIVE for The SHARE Center (formerly known as Bulverde Spring Branch Pregnancy Center) – bring any size package of diapers and you’ll be entered into a raffle!

**Ladies, if you would like to be in-the-know with everything going on in our Women’s Ministry, (click here) to make sure you’re on their email list!**

There is a place for YOU AT MYCBCB!  We have a “mask required” section and a “non-mask required” section.  We want YOU to feel safe!  BE SURE AND SAVE YOUR SEAT FOR THIS SUNDAY’S SERVICE BY (clicking here).  **Remember if you have children in the KidsMin program to reserve their spot early in the link above for the 2nd service. **

Don’t forget to make a reservation for your kids (11:15am service only & by RESERVATION ONLY).  Space is limited due to social distancing so be sure to make your reservation early by clicking here to reserve a spot for your child(ren).

Our Middle School Inside/Out group meets in the Outhouse (during 2nd service) and our High School group meets every Wednesday from 7:00pm-9:00pm in the Outhouse.  For updates and more information, be sure to follow them on Instagram @insideoutcbcb or email at  We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!!!


We’re super excited about this new life group for young adults who are between the ages of 18-25 and are looking for a good community to get plugged into.  This group will meet THIS SUNDAY from 2:00pm-3:00pm at the church in the “Outhouse” building.  The purpose of this group is to create a space for young adults to get to know others in the Bulverde area and just do life together.  For more information, please contact Jorge at
This group will meet every other Sunday – come join us!


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